Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finally something in common!

It just occurred to me that me and Emily actually have something in common.  Well we actually have a few other things in common too; i.e. we worship Jesus, we love our kids, we both now enjoy coffee.  But honestly we are very different on a lot of issues.  I think we have both learned to enjoy some of the things that we each like that we didn't prior to being together.  It tends to happen when your in love with someone.  Anyway the new found common ground is that we both have the integrity of our jobs questioned all the time.  I'm really not bitter.  Its kind of funny really.  I've learned to chime right in.  I love the gym teacher jokes.  Nothing gets my day going better than a student asking me, "Coach Little did you have to go school to be a P.E. teacher?"  Or this is the slightly kinder question.  "Coach Little did you have to go to school as long as the teachers do?"  Notice that I am not included as one of the teachers, but at least the second question submits the possibility that I might have went to some school.  Its pretty funny isn't it.  I actually thought about trying to become certified in a really difficult subject so I could earn some respect.  However, the Drivers Education class was already filled.  I'm just kidding Driver's Ed. people.
My wife also gets questioned about the value of her job.  I guess a lot of folks think you get to sit around and eat bon bons all day while your 21 month old and 4 month old just pacify themselves.  Garrison and Allie-Parker are really good at pacifying themselves.  She sits quietly in her bouncer and stares at the T.V. in delight.  Garrison also loves sitting in place for hours on end.  Its amazing to watch really.  I can't believe Emily is ever tired, even after 12 hour days of stuff like this (like during football season).  Well its not even 12 full hours.  Garrison and Allie-Parker both sleep until 11 am every morning, and no one ever wakes up during the night.  During the remaining hours of the day the T.V. does all the teaching necessary.  I mean I guess Emily would get up and do something if it were necessary.  (Just a little sarcasm on the last paragraph)

Really and truly though, it is funny when I get asked the questions about P.E. and I guess it is sometimes funny, when people that don't have one smidgen of an idea of the work it is to take care of two very small children and keep the house clean and pay bills on time and run errands and cook dinner and make your husband lunches and anything else that needs to be done, make light of staying home with your kids.  But honestly the questioning about Emily's job ticks me off a little, (actually a lot).  You see, I see first hand everyday how much effort she puts into raising our children and making our house feel like a home and all the other stuff that goes unnoticed like making me lunches to take to work.  Emily asked me not to write anything about her other than the funny stuff, but I can't help it.  I think it is right for people to know.  I didn't mean to get serious on this one.  I'm  Sorry.  My wife deserves the praise though.  I don't tell her nearly enough how much I appreciate everything she does.  
With all that said, please keep the P.E. jokes coming.  I've got to go for now though.  I need to go practice blowing my whistle before I go to bed.



Emily Little said...

HILARIOUS! Thanks for the sweet compliments.
P.s. could you practice your whistle in the morning and not at 11 at night ;)

Emily said...

I love this post Ryan! You are right.. being a mommy is a full time job plus some!!! Emily and I are both blessed to have such great husbands that appreciate us. :) Keep up the good work coach!

Emily Little said...

I am sorry Emily. I didn't think you could hear it when I was in the back yard.

Ryan said...

I did it again. On the last comment I forgot to log out of Emily's profile.