Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Imperfect Knowledge

I get hung up sometimes on not being able to understand certain things in God's Word.  I mean I see the truth there, but then I go and try to fill in blanks that have not been filled to bring the seeming contrast together for myself.  The one thought that always seems to jump around in my head is how God can be in total control, (and He is) and man be in control of his actions as well.  This is a paradox.  The trouble I get myself into is trying to force the two together into some formula that seems to make sense.  I say 'seems' to make sense, because let me tell you I've tried for 7 years to put the the two concepts together and I always find a flaw in the formula.  You know why, because there is no formula.  The Bible says in Deuteronomy that there are secret things that belong to Him only, but it also says that He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.  ( 2 Peter 1:3)  The Bible takes for granted man's responsibility and says all over the place that God is sovereign.  There is a lot to say about this topic that I have left out.  It is definitely not an easy topic to just brush off.  However, from experience I have found that if I let the two concepts lay side by side the mystery seems more beautiful than dreadful.  When we start filling in blanks that the Bible does not fill in we may be in danger of seeing God as something He is not.  We must take God as He is revealed in His Word, but let us be careful not to add or take what is there to make it fit into what seems to make sense.  Part of worship to our God is found in adoring His mysterious ways.  I'll leave you with a few quotes that hopefully will renew a fresh look at God and His wonderful mystery.

"Shoreless ocean who can sound Thee, Thine own eternity is round Thee,
Majesty Divine."  (Frederick Faber)

"He works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform, His foot is on the sea shore, He's riding on the storm"  (William Cowper)  

My precious great-grandmother always quoted the first part of that line to me any time she talked about God answering prayer.  She went to be with Him last May.  If there was one thing she left me believing is that God works in mystery in the lives of His creation.


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