Sunday, March 29, 2009

Justice on the open market

Derek Webb said in a song "when justice is bought and sold like weapons of war the ones who always pay are the poorest of the poor."  He was specifically talking about the majority of poor people that are always killed in physical war, but there is another war going on around us now, in which justice is being sold and the weakest of the weak are paying the price.  I read an article in the newspaper last week that made me angry, but most of all broke my heart.  The article was giving examples of how the down economy is affecting abortion rates.  The examples were from an abortion clinic in California.  One story was told of a woman that came in to abort her planned fourth child because after re-evaluating their budget her and her husband had decided they just could not afford another child.  Another story was told of a woman that walked all the way to the clinic because she could not afford the bus ticket.  She interrupted one of the doctors half way through his normal spill of what this abortion would mean.  She would not let him continue any more on any talk about possibly not aborting the baby.  The article said she stopped him and through tears said that she had walked all the way there and that she was sure of her decision.  The article also tells of how the economy is making some abortions be pushed to the second trimester, because of insufficient funds from the families to pay for them.  In other words they are having to save for the abortion which pushes the baby further along its way before he or she is killed.  I am not using harsh language either.  That is what is happening.  Justice is for little ones is being sold in return for there parents convenience or the slight bit higher 'avoidance of a really hard time'.  God help us!  Have we become so numb that we can't see that we as a nation perform daily what would be considered grotesque if the babies were snatched unwillingly from the mother's womb, or if the same was done one second after delivery.  We have been numbed by scientific hoopla that makes things seem less cruel than they are.  Abortion sounds much better than murdering babies or the dissecting of infants.  We can handle the term abortion, because it sounds like you're getting your tonsils taken out.  This however is not the case.  Something as gross as the holocaust is happening daily and we shrug our shoulders.  Lord forgive me!  I may have just lost most of my readers with the last statement so let me explain.  What is it that makes murder wrong?  Is it the intentional physical pain it causes to another human?  Is it the pain it causes to the family of the victim?  Is it the robbing of the life that person could have lived?  Is it all of these things I have just listed? Yes, but there is something else much greater that we must see in order for murder to be as heinous as it truly is.  Knowing that each person born and unborn is first and foremost God's makes murder eternally horrible.  When the nazis committed all those poor people to gas chambers and other torturous deaths they in effect counted God as an unworthy Creator to create such people, and when we here in America dismember infants in the womb we do the same.  I am totally convinced that the only infallible argument that gives the dignity and value to every single human life is the fact that God has created us all.  He is the owner.  We have no right.  He forms their inward parts in their mothers' wombs the Scripture says and we here in 
America think it is our right to take them apart.  Do not think that just because you have not directly killed an unborn baby that you have no part in where we are here in this country.  We all have at least played some part with our nonchalant attitudes about it.  
   Before I end this I want to say a few things.  This is without a doubt a very sensitive issue.  I know it is quite possible that someone that may read this has had an abortion.  If you have read this far you are probably very broke up about it.  I am not trying to be harsh, but it does no good to tell you something that is not true.  If you are broken about it know that I do not wish to throw stones at you.  If I could I would hug you and tell you that there is wonderful news for you though.  If you are alive today it is because God is being patient with you.  Let His kindness lead you to repentance.  He loves you.  He created you.  He has promised that if you will receive Him as your Lord and Saviour He will forgive you.  He sent His Son Jesus to die for the sins of the whole world and that means there is enough room for yours.  I personally believe that all little ones that die go to be with Him.  You may see your child one day singing a great welcome home song for you.  I don't know, but I do know for a fact that whosoever believes in Him shall not be disappointed.   

Thanks again,

1 comment:

Frances Davis said...

As an obstetric nurse, I have seen many 12, 14 and 16 week fetuses that were born as the result of stillbirths. I can tell you that not a one of these were "tissue mass", as some are lead to believe. They were all perfectly formed tiny little human beings, with tiny fingers and toes, arms and legs. Abortion doesn't remove tissue, it kills humans. We can rename it, we can remove it to clinics and make it seem like we aren't killing little, tiny humans, but we are. What we have done, and are still doing, in America is a holocaust of unspeakable proportions.