Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why is it that we think thinking too much is bad?

It seems to me that most people think thinking too much about any one thing or "too deeply" about anything is damaging to a person's enjoyment.  I disagree, though I think I can see where they are coming from.  When we do first start thinking past the surface on a topic it is scary.  We may find that we have thought wrong about it for a long time, or that the popular opinion of the subject is wrong, or that we have rested our hope on something that we know little about.  I feel like this is especially true with God, or eternal matters.  I find myself all the time running from thinking about God, because I know that I have thought so little of Him lately.  Many of us have trusted in a God we know little about.  We know the main stories, but do we know Him?  That is a scary question.  I tremble even typing it.  However, I always find that when I do think deeply about Him I trade a glib happiness full of uncertainty for a strong deep-seated joy.  The process many times is scary and painful, but when I search He finds me.  There is a line in a DCB song "alone here with my doubts, afraid You'll find me out."  Yet when we find Him it is a beautiful collision.  So go increase your joy.  Think about the great God of the universe.  

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