The title to this post should make you feel uneasy. I hope it does. Women soldiers. Right now women can be in the military, but are not supposed to have a combat type job, however many of these non-combat jobs become combat jobs once the position title hits the battle scene. There have been 70 women killed so far in Iraq, more than every other U.S. war combined. I hate the fact that any person gets killed in war, but especially women. We are so twisted that we deny even our most basic gender differences. God made man and God made woman. There are significant differences between us (Thank God). But in our twisted nation and twisted world we are becoming more and more manly women, and womanly men. We can't even see anymore that it is wrong for a woman to fight for a man. If there must be a fight a man should lay his life down for a woman. Can't you see how sick it is for us men to step back and let our women die for us. God help us! Of course this all goes back to our foundation. Do we believe in the God of the Bible and what He says about our differences or not? If we take His words to be true there is no doubt that women fighting for men is not only a bad idea strategically but it is sinful. Even our anatomical make-up proves that men are made to fight better than women. Men are naturally stronger than women. Men are naturally faster than women. Look at a woman's trunk and compare it to a man's. Does not the man's look more suitable to take a blow. Now some wars have sinful motives and I'm not here defending all wars or saying that all men soldiers are good men, but there is sometimes things that must be defended and when they must we as men should rise up and fight, not cowardly sit back and let our wives, sisters, and daughters do the fighting! I can't understand a man that this doesn't affect or woman that this doesn't make feel safe like she ought to. The fact that women have to fight at all anywhere, does not show that they can fight too, but that we men have done such a horrible job of being the heads or our homes!
I thank God for our differences as men and women. I thank God for my very very very soft and womanly wife. She loves the thought of being protected. She loves being taken care of. She loves the fact that she will never as long as I'm breathing have to defend herself. She loves being a nurturer. She loves being a woman. I love having her as my wife. I'm so thankful she is a girly girl; a womanly woman.
Men stand up and fight!, if needed for your women and children
Women please let us.